It can be a stressful time for you and your child when you prepare to join back to work after the maternity leave. You will be muddling with so many thoughts like – which centre to choose, the expectations of the child care centres Dee Why, will the child be happy, will the staff be interested in the child, and lots more. From the moment you decide to entrust the responsibility of taking care of the kid to an outsider, it is normal for any parent to think about ways to best prepare for this transition. It is actually hard to tell how the new arrangement will go, but a bit of preparation can smooth things up.
Here are a few recommendations to prepare your child for the Dee Why children’s centre –
- Familiarise your Child with the Day care – If your child recognises the space and the staff, they will not feel strange on the first day at the Dee Why early childhood centre. So, visit the day care a few times, before you put up your child in the day care. This will help your child feel safe and comfortable towards the environment. Also, it will induce interest and anticipation in them, as they already know about the different activities in the childhood centre.
- Discuss About The New Routine With Your Child – Though the child care centres Dee Why is all set to create a positive experience for your child, it is normal for them to be a bit scared about the new environment. So, it is all important to talk about the new routine with the child before starting. Explain in detail to your child, about where they will be going and why. Discuss it over and over again, this will help them understand the situation.
- Adjust The Napping Schedule – Get to know the napping schedule in the day care and adjust your child’s schedule accordingly before the child starts. Don’t impose anything all of a sudden, instead slowly shift their timings. This way, your child will adjust with the child care routine easily.
- Teach your child Independence – Since the day care providers work with multiple children at the same time, it will be an asset for your child to do some things by themselves. Also, any skill which a child is able to carry out unassisted, will help the staff to focus on developing the other skills of the child.
- Pack all Essentials – If your child is too small, pack multiple clothing to change when necessary. Include all the bottle supplies and the formula or breast milk that will be required for the day. Check with the day care provider, if they offer diapers, if not pack the necessary ones.
At the end of the day when you pick your child from the day care, ask them how they spent their time at the centre. Also, let them know how you missed them and how glad you are for them to see them enjoy a great day.